Things to do in Baguio after Summer (3 of 3): Spotlight on Azalea Residences Baguio

The long wait is finally over! Hahaha. Apologies for this long overdue post. It has been a very busy/stormy/sickly several weeks for me.

Anywho, this last installment in this three part series will be focusing on the food at Azalea Residences Baguio, specifically at their restaurant — Tradisyon.

The day after the first tour for us bloggers was the first time I got to check out their buffet. The dining are was very spacious and well-decorated, and you can even see what the kitchen staff were doing. I grabbed a cup of freshly-brewed coffee (which was smooth and aromatic, even when black) and headed straight to the main attraction: the food! As with most buffets, the food was set up in a row for easy access.Tradisyon's Buffet Table

That morning they served viands such as dried fish and choices of longganisa, as well as scrambled eggs, so that’s what I got.


I had some sort high expectations for the fish especially since I come from a coastal town in Pangasinan. Dried seafood is pretty tricky to cook — your oil must be hot enough and you shouldn’t cook it for too long. Fortunately, the fish was cooked to perfection. The vinegar they served had a little spicy kick that complemented the fish and the garlic rice. It made me want to have a boodle fight with myself to complete the Pinoy-style breakfast experience.

The longganisa (I believe it was from Ilocos) tasted good but there was nothing really special about it. The scrambled eggs were fluffy, though (a task I have a hard time doing on me own). Oh and they have an omelet bar with several ingredients for you to choose from. They will even serve it to your table once they finish cooking it.

The next day, they served a different set of viands — there was fish fillet, frittata, bacon (!!!), a different kind of longganisa (looked like it was from Lucban), and sauteed chicken, onions, corn, and peppers. The coffee, scrambled eggs, and omelet bar were regulars in their buffets. They also had a several choices of juice and fresh bread with jam and butter.


The bacon was fried to crispy perfection, the fish fillet tasted fresh and the sauce that went along with is was tangy and garlicky. The longganisa served that day was a bit sweet and that onion-bell pepper-chicken viand was something new to me. I liked it but I thought it was more of a dinner or lunch dish. The fritatta had similar ingredients to the chicken dish with the addition of mushrooms. It needed a bit more of salt, if you ask me. The four seasons juice I got tasted like it was from a powdered mix. Maybe I’m wrong. It just didn’t taste that fresh to me.

More tours around town later and we went back to Tradisyon for dinner. This is where things get exciting for me since it was Italian Night! They had served pizza and in place of the omelet bar was a pasta bar where they will cook the sauces on the spot for you. Cool!

This is what I got for dinner :D

There were several choices of pizza and pasta that I lost track of some of the dishes I got, hahaha. There was pepperoni, bacon (you can never have enough of bacon), lasagna, beef macaroni, and salad (para kunwari healthy!). They also had a cold cuts platter with several sausages, ham, and other meat choices. I must say, aside from the salad, everything I got had meat in it and I loved it! The pasta was cooked al dente and the thin crusts on the pizza allowed the other flavours to be the star of the show.

The salad served as my palate cleanser in between dishes, and once I was finished with what was on my plate, I of course had to try their desserts!

With delicious whipped cream and strawberry on top! Yum!

With delicious whipped cream and strawberry on top! Yum!

The carrot cake they served had whipped cream and strawberry on it. I ate it all in one bite and was fascinated by the combination of flavors. The cake was soft and its sweetness was eased by the strawberry and cream. I also had some fluffy blueberry and strawberry mini muffins that go well with the coffee (can you tell I like coffee?). It was the perfect end to my meal.

There's always room for yummy pastries.

There’s always room for yummy pastries.

The following morning, we were all supposed to leave at around 10 but there were some problems with our shuttle services so the management at Azalea had us go to the buffet to have lunch! Hurray, more food! This time I tried their braised pork, stir-fried veggies, and some more longganisa…with rice of course! The pork was tender and juicy and the veggies were fresh and properly seasoned. The longganisa were just like the ones I tried last time._DSC1429

Overall, Azalea’s Tradisyon serves tasty food in their buffet and they have varying themes per day. The servers were very polite and they keep the dining area tidy. If you find yourself out of options to eat at in Baguio, you won’t go wrong with Tradisyon. Couple that with their great room accommodations, and you’re After Summer Baguio Vacation is perfect! 😀

Azalea Residences Baguio is at Leonard Wood Loop, Brgy M. Roxas near the entrance to Teacher’s Camp. You can also check them out here:

Many thanks to Miss Debbie and to Paul and JC for the excellent care they’ve given us Bloggers during or three-day stay! <3

Check out the first and second installments to this series here and here.

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