Divine Sweet Delights

So it started as a joke. My good friend , Divine makes awesome designer cakes and cupcakes and has even been featured on the local TV Patrol. I told her I wanted a birthday cake with my face on it. I got this idea after I’ve seen her Wreck it Ralph cake she made for her son.

Wreck it Ralph Cake

Wreck it Ralph Cake

I was thinking she would use gumpaste for my face and all over and that I’d look as cartoony as Ralph. But lo and behold my face was too complicated to gumpaste! Haha. She printed my face on edible paper instead and used gumpaste/fondant (not sure what theyre called..haha) on my hair! It looked pretty awesome. Actually, it was the best looking cake in the world ever!

The best looking cake in the world!

The best looking cake in the world!

This image was actually from my FB Profile Pic– it was a cartoonized version of a nice picture I had taken for work. Pretty awesome how it turned out!

Now a bit of a warning for fondant cake eaters– the thing is — the icing is actually made out of sugar mixed in with something else. So it is reallllly sweet. I recommend eating just a tiny slice of it and pair with it with Jasmin Tea, Peppermint or even Lemongrass. This way, it sort of counters the super sweet icing and cake. Or you could ask if she can tone down the sweetness. Mine was chocolate cake. I probably asked for my favorite– carrot cake!

And speaking of carrot cake or cupcake– she makes em really really well. The mix of salty, sweet and the sourness of the cream cheese is cupcake heaven! Take my word for it.

Check out her creations on her FB Page — https://www.facebook.com/DivineSweetDelights?fref=ts


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